
Our story began as a promise between two friends made in San Francisco a decade ago: to create something meaningful together.

Cookie and Potato are sketches (with a pinch of creative liberty) of the two of us. Cookie, fearless, generous, bold, and someone who lights up the room, but is often afraid to fully shine that light. Potato, a creative who loves adventure and people more than anything, but at times loses belief in his own strength. They have an unlikely friendship. But that’s often the best kind — the kindest of kinds.

This is the very first prototype of Cookie & Potato

The Adventures of Cookie and Potato is a story of enduring friendship and its capacity to transform and transport us. It’s about the power of curiosity and a celebration of the beauty of our universe. And it’s a labor of love; every word and illustration was made with care.

We wrote it to bring joy to kids — both current and future — because we remember how big our favorite characters once felt and how they made us believe that anything was possible. That magic existed under every rock and within every relationship. That we were never alone. That adventure awaits — everywhere, all around us. 

We hope you enjoy this first adventure.